QWill it matter if it is our first time to do cosmetics business?

60% of our clients are the first time to do cosmetics business.
If you have any questions or unclear items, feel free to consult us.

QHow long does it take to reach the product commercialization?

It usually takes 2-3months to determine the container, design and formulation of cosmetics. So if everything goes smoothly, it is expected to take 2-3months to reach commercialization from first meeting.
In the situation of brand new formulation, it will take 3-6 months due to the repeated confirmation of changing properties. (Delivery date will differ based on products’ specification)
Please note that in the situation of container dying, containing printing or new material purchasing, the delivery date is likely to be postponed.

QProducts that can be manufactured include?

Products that can be manufactured include skin care cosmetics, hair care products, beauty salon specialized products, business-used cosmetics, soap and so on. Please feel free to inquiry.

QWhat is the quantity of economic lot?

Considering the expenses of containers and printings, the economic lot size will be [over 3000 for regular bottles] [over 10,000 for over tubes] [over 30,000 sheet packs]. We certainly accept orders with small lot. (though the cost is relatively high, half of our customers start with small lot due to the capital issues.

QCould your company provide custom printed containers?

Of course we can, but printing factory usually requires the minimum quantity of 1000.

QIs it possible to dye the cosmetics container?

Yes, it is possible. Container dying requires the minimum quantity of 3000~.
Regular containers are mainly white color or transparent.

QWill the adhesive label make customers feel cheap about the products?

While adhesive labels are sometimes less refined than printing on the containers, if well-designed, adhesive labels are still competitive. Some big cosmetics makers also utilize adhesive labels for new released products. Besides, if use same containers with different adhesive labels, it also reduces the risk of inventory overstock.
We can firstly use adhesive labels and see if they are welcomed by customers, and later change to printed-containers.

QMust we select the containers by ourselves?

Our company can help you select ideal containers in order to save your labor. We strongly recommend that those customers with small lot order can use the containers from our stock, in that we don’t limit the minimum quantity.

QIs it possible to export overseas?

Yes,it is possible. However, please note the cost of the related paper work and export application.
Besides, if taking consideration of the shipment expense, the profit margin might be low if the export quantity is below 1 million yen.
(For different countries, the circumstances of application failure or significantly high application fee may occur)

QDoes our company have to prepare the design scheme of the product?

We can help with the package design and also charge based on the design scheme. In this situation, we will provide customers the final artwork designed by illustrator software.
*Artwork producing expense and design expense separated.

QIs it possible to use the ingredients provided by clients?

Yes, it is possible as long as provided raw materials are certified cosmetics ingredients.
It is necessary that provided raw materials meet the standard of cosmetic ingredients, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) , every lot quality test and so on.
*The quality of the natural ingredients may vary according to different batch. So it is possible that provided raw materials are difficult to be added because of durability and stability issues.

QHow about the lasting period ?

Normally cosmetics products can last for 3 years.
However, the quality deterioration occurs gradually during 3 years period, not happen in a sudden time after 3 years. Therefore, please finish up as soon as possible after opening the bottle.

QHow to store your products?

Basically it is better to store cosmetics in room temperature in cool and dark environment.
Storage in extreme high or low temperature and dirty or humid environment lead to faster deterioration. Please avoid above situations.

QIs any certificate needed to sell cosmetics?

No, no certificate is needed.
Our company owns the certificates of both manufacturing cosmetics products and selling cosmetics products. Thus, it is fine for our clients to sell cosmetics without any other certificates.

QWhat is the minimum lot size?

Generally our minimum lot size is 500 for each product. While it is possible to accept an order below this quantity, the relative cost is very high.
*face mask over 10,000, soap over 200kg
*minimum quantity may varies based on the specifications and formulation.
  • Logic’s original brand cosmetics
    available at our official store.
  • 業務用など楽天で購入できない商品は

Please consult with us about OEM cosmetics.

Feel free to contact us through telephone, email,
about cosmetics on OEM, small lots and manufacturing.

Cosmetics Manufacturer Registration Number: 26CZ008007
Cosmetics Manufacturer and Seller Registration Number: 26C0X00005

0774-23-5868Office Hours: 9:00-17:00
(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays)
Click here for your inquiries via email

Blogs on OEM Product Developments

Product development blog of OEM cosmetics


2022年6月2日(木)~5日(日)に京都国際会館会議場にて行われた、 第121回日本皮膚科学会総会に出展い...

Study meeting


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We visited Kyoto intelligent industry fair!

東京駅KITTEで行われました、京都知恵産業フェアに4日間参加させていただきました。 京都商工会様や京...

Study meeting

We attended to the study meeting with the hair salon group.

本日は講習会のご依頼を受け、京都のヘアーサロングループ様に伺いました。 夜21時スタートと遅...

Media coverage

Feature article on Hometown tax

この度、美ST様のふるさと納税で綺麗になろう特集に、 宇治茶エイジングケアコスメ 言の葉シリー...

Cosmetic knowledge

Natural hyaluronic acid and fermented hyaluronic acid

化粧品に配合される潤い成分として、よく耳にする「ヒアルロン酸」。 一概にヒアルロン酸と、その種...


We attended the Osaka Gift Show held in OMM Building!

大阪のOMMビルで開催された大阪ギフトショーに出展しました。 やはり関西のバイヤー様の商売に対する...


We attended the Tokyo Big Sight Gift show and exhibit our Deep sleep pillow mist formulated by special Kyoto-only aroma oil!

東京ギフトショーに出展しました。 ギフトショーは、コスメだけでなく様々な雑貨やノベルティなどの会...

Please consult with us about OEM cosmetics.

Feel free to contact us through telephone, email,
about cosmetics on OEM, small lots and manufacturing.

Cosmetics Manufacturer Registration Number: 26CZ008007
Cosmetics Manufacturer and Seller Registration Number: 26C0X00005

0774-23-5868Office Hours: 9:00-17:00
(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays)
Click here for your inquiries via email

Copyright (C) 2010 LOGIC, Inc. All rights reserved.